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CaRP: Caching RSS Parser - Documentation

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CarpCacheFilter( url, cachefile );

Store a local copy of a newsfeed, and filter items out of it
This function combines CarpCache and CarpFilter

  1. url: The address of the RSS newsfeed. May be a URL, path to a local file, or data from a Grouper cache specified as "grouper:cache-name". Note that Grouper must be loaded before calling CarpCacheFilter if using the "grouper:" syntax.
  2. cachefile: The filename of the cache file in which to store a reformatted copy of the newsfeed, based on your configuration settings. Note that while you are working on the formatting of a newsfeed, you will need to delete the cache file each time you wish to change it's appearance in order for it to update.

Return value: none

Usage Example:
require_once '/home/geckotribe/carp/carp.php';
CarpConf('filterin','Gecko Tribe');