CaRP: Caching RSS Parser - Documentation
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Network Connection Settings
basicauth: Specifies authorization credentials for a password protected newsfeed. To access a newsfeed which requires a username and password and accepts "Basic" authorization, enter your credentials here as "username:password".
require_once '/path/to/carp.php'; CarpConf('basicauth','myusername:mypassword'); CarpCacheShow('http://www.geckotribe.com/password/protected/newsfeed.rss');proxyserver: The address of your web proxy server, if any. NOTE: The address must be specified as "http://proxy.server.com", without a trailing slash ("/").
require_once '/path/to/carp.php'; CarpConf('proxyserver','http://proxy.mycompany.com'); CarpCacheShow('http://www.geckotribe.com/press/rss/pr.rss');proxyauth: Specifies authorization credentials for a password protected proxy server. If you are using a proxy server which requires authorization and accepts "Basic" authorization, enter your credentials here as "username:password".
require_once '/path/to/carp.php'; CarpConf('proxyserver','http://proxy.mycompany.com'); CarpConf('proxyauth','myusername:mypassword'); CarpCacheShow('http://www.geckotribe.com/press/rss/pr.rss');maxredir: The maximum number of redirects to follow before giving up (default 10).
require_once '/path/to/carp.php'; CarpConf('maxredir',5); CarpCacheShow('http://www.geckotribe.com/press/rss/pr.rss');timeout: The number of seconds to wait during the "CONNECT" phase of setting up a TCP/IP connection before aborting the attempt to load the RSS feed. The default value is 15 seconds.
require_once '/path/to/carp.php'; CarpConf('timeout',30); CarpCacheShow('http://www.slowserver.com/newsfeed.rss');sendhost: Specifies whether to send the "Host" header when connecting to a remote server. The host header almost never causes a problem, and it is necessary when accessing a server hosting multiple websites with the same IP address, unless the site being accessed is the default site. Valid values are:
- 0: Don't send the Host header.
- 1 (the default): Do send the Host header.
require_once '/path/to/carp.php'; CarpConf('sendhost',0); CarpCacheShow('http://www.unusualserver.com/newsfeed.rss');